Tung's Acupuncture Points 22.08 & 22.09
The points 22.08 & 22.09 are located on the SI channel, and what is called the Deep Back Arm Line in fascial plane anatomy. By looking at these points from a fascial line perspective, we can better understand the actions and indications of the points. For instance, these points are used for sciatica, coccyx pain, bone spurs, cervical spondylosis, cystitis, nephritis, and kidney vacuity headaches.
To understand the above indications we need to consider both tai yang meridians, and how they relate through the muscles and fascia. In meridian based systems such as the Balance Method and Master Tung style acupuncture, there is a relationship between the SI and UB meridians, which are both tai yang meridians. From a fascial line perspective we can see that the SI (DBAL) and the UB (SBL) join at the rhomboids and occipital ridge.
Fascial Lines: The Deep Back Arm Line (DBAL) from Anatomy Trains by Tom Myers, Elsevier Publishing.
Fascial Lines: The Superficial Back Line (SBL) from Anatomy Trains by Tom Myers, Elsevier Publishing.
This image features the Superficial Back Line (SBL) which closely resembles the UB meridian. By comparing the meeting points of the DBAL (SI meridian) and the SBL (UB meridian), we find that they meet in the upper back and neck, where the rhomboids join the spine, and where the levator scapulae meets the cervical vertebrae and occipital ridge.
Tensegrity = Tension + Integrity
Tensegrity is a principle that explains how systems of compressed parts are held in a net of tension. In the human body tensegrity is demonstrated in the way bones, muscles, and organs are held together by connective tissues.
Tensegrity is also important for acupuncturists to understand, because it can explain many of the actions and indications of Master Tung's acupuncture points.
If we map the relationship between the SI and UB meridians, with the DBAL and the SBL, we can understand how tension and disease symptoms get transmitted through the body.
By needling non-local points, we can release tension in related meridians, muscle groups, and fascial lines. As acupuncture has been shown to stretch fascia, many points work in distal locations through the principles of tensegrity.
Non-Local Needling
Distal needling is very common in Tung style acupuncture and is related to tensegrity. When pathology occurs in an organ it can cause referred pain and transmit various symptoms through the body. These symptoms may result from biochemical changes, neurological signals, or myofascial imbalances.
When an acupuncturist uses non-local needling, we are providing a signal to cause beneficial effects in distant regions. Acupuncturists use the meridian systems as a map to understand how and where non-local changes can be made.
As an example, the point SI 3 is said to be the confluent point of the DU meridian that runs up the spine, and we use that point for treating neck and back pain.
From a fascial perspective, the Deep Back Arm Line (DBAL) is equivalent to the small intestine meridian. By understanding that the muscles on the DBAL form a continuous line of fascia, we can apply the principles of tensegrity to comprehend how tension in the neck and upper back can get transmitted through the SI meridian.
When a needle is applied to SI 3, 22.08, or 22.09 it causes stimulation and stretch through the fascial line and meridian. This subtle stretch that occurs at the needle site, and with needle twirling, is enough to alleviate tension at the opposite end of the meridian.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine we recognize a relationship between the SI and UB meridians, and we refer to them as the tai yang channels. In the fascial line model we see that the SI and DBAL are very similar, and that the DBAL includes the rhomboids and levator scapulae muscles, both of which attach to the spine.
Where the DBAL joins the spine and neck are meeting regions with the Superficial Back Line (SBL) and urinary bladder meridian. According to the principles of tensegrity, when a needle is applied to points like SI 3, 22.08 and 22.09, the effects of the needle can get transmitted from the SI meridian to the UB meridian and SBL.
This would explain why 22.08 and 22.09 can also treat sacral and coccyx pain, cystitis, and kidney diseases and patterns.
Fascial Lines: The Deep Back Arm Line (DBAL) from Anatomy Trains by Tom Myers, Elsevier Publishing.
The Small Intestine Meridian