Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Tapping for Acupuncturists
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping is a valuable skill for acupuncturists to include in their practice, as it can greatly assist us in solving many challenges we experience in clinic. For instance, tapping is very useful for shen disturbance, stress, anxiety, PTSD, depression, addictions, pain, and more. (1, 2)
EFT may also help to prevent patients from dropping out of care prematurely, as it can assist in promoting stronger doctor - patient relations. This is because tapping helps to establish powerful therapeutic communication with patients, assists in fostering patient-centered care, patient self-discovery, and other qualities found to be useful in lifestyle counseling and health coaching models.

Acupuncturists may easily overlook tapping because we are highly trained in using acupuncture needles. Howerver, EFT can fill many therapeutic gaps that acupuncture and herbs are not able to treat. This is because tapping combines acupressure with techniques used in behavioral and exposure therapies. In addition, tapping can bridge gaps between the conscious and unconscious mind, and is so powerful that psychologists are even using it.
When tapping is combined with health coaching techniques, it can be especially useful for conditions that are difficult to treat with acupuncture alone. Tapping is also useful for many disorders that we see in clinic that are related to habits and lifestyle, and if you think about it, many of the most common health problems in today's world are related to making poor lifestyle choices.
Acupuncturists - Please Do Not UnderEstimate Tapping
What is EFT or Tapping?

EFT is a powerful system that uses tapping on acupuncture points as a way to establish mind-body connections. When points are being tapped on, statements are made about the problem the patient seeks to address, along with what are called acceptance statements.
The sequence of tapping on points starts with SI 3 and proceeds through a series of acupuncture points on the face, collar bone, ribs, and head. The exact series in one of the most commonly used systems progresses through the points in this order: SI 3, UB 2, Tai Yang, ST 3, DU 26, CV 24, ST 11, GB 22, and finishes at DU 20.
Points on the head and face
used in EFT and tapping.
Tapping may be considered a type of somatic therapy that works on both the mind and body. Some research suggests that tapping works on various parts of the nervous system including the ANS, hormonal system, limbic system, and amygdala. It also lowers stress levels, cortisol, and may benefit the immune system.
Additionally, tapping uses a kind of exposure therapy in the form of what is known as a setup statement. This statement directly acknowledges the problem the person has by clearing stating, "even though I have this problem...." Rather than using the word, problem, in the setup statement, the client uses whatever condition they have that they want help with. The problem may be a disease, symptom, feeling, emotion, thought, belief, or behavior. Examples of common setup statements I have used in my acupuncture practice include:
"Even though I am overweight,....."
"Even though I have headaches,......."
"Even though I am addicted to cigarettes,......."
"Even though I feel anxiety,......"
The setup/problem statement will change and evolve as you go through the process, and this is an important point, because allowing the problem statement to change faciliates the process and uncovers unconscious feelings and thoughts related to the problem.
How does Tapping Work?
The Power of Acceptance Statements​​
After the setup statement is made, it is followed with the acceptance statement. The standard acceptance statement is, "I deeply and completely accept myself." The acceptance statement should also change as you move through a tapping protocol, and it may also be voiced as an affirmation or positive statement about what healthy changes the patient wants or has already accomplished.
The standard acceptance statement of "I deeply and completely accept myself," is more powerful than it may initially appear. This is because acceptance of reality and our current situations is a key to overcoming many of our problems. Acceptance is also a key component of healing many conditions like grief, PTSD, anxiety, addictions, and more. Acceptance is also the opposite of denial, and when denial is present it impairs and even prevents healing.
To understand this more, let's closely consider the two parts of how statements are used in EFT and tapping. The first part is the setup statement, which acknowledges the problem, and this is followed by the acceptance statement.​​
Tapping Uses Acknowledgement & acceptance
as a Means for Healing
When we acknowledge our problems it allows us to confront them directly. However, patients often deny or avoid their health problems, and this can contribute to the disease process and increase pain and suffering.
As the old saying goes, "What we resist persists."
For health problems related to bad habits and poor lifestyle, tapping is especially important because the patient acknowledges their condition while accepting it and affirming their motivation for change.

A major challenge for acupuncturists is keeping their clients motivated
to follow through with a treatment plan.
While we may be good at getting people out of pain quickly, many conditions like chronic disorders, obesity, smoking addictions, digestive problems, anxiety, and other health problems often require more longterm approaches. Learning to keep clients motivated, while giving them tools that help with their conditions is essential for ensuring that patients follow through with care.
Tapping, Habits, and lifestyle
Many of the most common health problems in the Western world such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, obesity, pain, and digestive problems relate to habits and lifestyle choices.
For instance, heart disease is related to high fat diets, too much sodium, stress, obesity, and lack of exercise. The same can be said for HTN and diabetes, and lifestyle factors like poor diet and smoking contribute to cancer.
While our patients already know much of this, the question is how can we help motivate them to make healthy changes and choices?
Since patients come to our clinics looking for relief and guidance for their problems, it is essential that we know how to help them stay motivated to make the changes they want.

You may have noticed that simply giving advice doesn't work very well, and for many conditions the patients need to play a more active role in their own healing process.
Learn EFT/Tapping and How to Combine it With Better Communication Skills & Health Coaching Tools
In addition to tapping, this class will teach you a variety of skills for treating conditions that are difficult to address with only acupuncture and herbs. The class includes teachings on tapping, health coaching, vital communication skills, and more.
Shen disturbance, depression, anxiety, PTSD, emotional problems, and addictions have multifactorial components. While acupuncture and herbs can play a role in treating these conditions, they are often not enough to get to the deeper emotional issues within a person.
EFT and tapping are unique because of the way it can help to resolve many chronic emotional and psychological patterns. ​​​​

Many psychologists are currently using EFT and tapping because research shows that it can give comparable results to CBT and other traditional counseling methods.
Acupuncturists can also leverage the benefits of tapping because it is an acupressure technique that can help clients in many ways.
This course includes:
Specific teachings on how to include tapping into an acupuncture practice.
Exercises to do for yourself that demonstrate how powerful it can be.
Teachings on health coaching models that can double your practice.
Keys to better communication skills that help to increase patient retention.
Cases studies on common conditions that tapping can be used for.