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The images of the myofascial lines reveal many secrets about acupuncture.
Choosing the right point combinations is one of the biggest challenges acupuncturists face. By knowing the anatomy of the myofascial lines many common clinical challenges can quickly be solved.
Myofascial anatomy may be integrated into TCM practices, the Balance Method, trigger point therapies, Master Tung's points, 5-elements, Japanese styles, biomedical approaches to acupuncture, and more. This is because myofascial line anatomy is the structural form of the meridians.
Understanding myofascial anatomy takes the guesswork out of selecting points and also helps with diagnosis and pattern identification.
Knowledge of myofascial lines also applies to internal medicine and provides an anatomical basis for the internal - external connections between meridians and organs.
Many of your biggest questions about meridians and acupuncture point functions can be answered through myofascial anatomy.
Watch the Acupuncture & Functional Anatomy Video
Energetic Myofascial Anatomy

As an acupuncturist, you can recognize how these three images look similar to the pathways of the UB, ST, and GB meridians. What these images show are muscles that are interconnected through fascia and have similar structural and functional roles.
Additionally, contraction or strain in any major muscle along these fascial lines will effect other muscles along that same line. In traditional terms, we say that qi moves through meridians. This is called force transmission in Western terms and is similar to qi transmission through meridians.