In the Master Tung system of acupuncture, we use points on the hands to treat pain in the feet. Points in the hands are needled on the opposite side from the painful foot. In the video below I discuss a point combination that includes Ling Gu (22.05), 22.06, and 22.07. I also demonstrate how to use manual therapies/massage with the needles to get superior results.
When using distal needling the best results are achieved when you have the patient move the affected area, or if you perform some kind of manual therapy on the client. This helps improve joint mobility and stop pain. Applying hands-on techniques with distal needling also allows the therapist to better assess the clients' condition, while the needles are being retained.
Additional Master Tung Points for Foot Pain and Disorders
Below is a quick list of some of the key points to use for conditions of the feet. Note that not all of these points should be used together, as typically one or two groups are enough (3 - 6 needles). The points used depend on the location of the pain, what meridians are affected, and the structural or functional pathologies that are present.
Mu Guan and Gu Guan - Located on the palm and used for heel pain.
Zhong Guan and PC 7
Wu Hu (Five Tigers, 11.27) - Used for a variety of foot and ankle conditions and when the bones are involved.
San Cha
Four Flowers (77.08, 77.09, 77.11)